Suffix C, M on A1 CLUB membership number

To increase on-the-air activity of members, A1 CLUB is running an activation campaign such as A1AA and A1CC ranking.
A1CC-ranking is a ranking to show number of QSOs with A1CLUB members. Especially, the Challenge category of the A1CC represents long term activity on multi bands.
Therefore, to praise the member who got a certain level of points on the Challenge category of the A1CC, following C and M titles are to be granted.
The title C or M will be added as a suffix of the membership number.

C degree

 Granted for A1CC-ranking's Challenge point more than 100 upto 999.
 "C" means Century Member and recognized as A1CLUB Chief CW operator!.

M dgree

 Granted for A1CC-ranking's Challenge point more than 1000.
 "M" means Millenium Member and recognized as A1CLUB Master CW operator!
 (M1=1000 points or more、M2=2000 points or more, M3=3000 points or more, and so on ...)

Millenium/Century Member Search
(You can search the latest M/C members. To use this search engine you need A1CLUB members' common ID and Password.)

How to apply C/M degree
You must entry A1CC ranking. If you can read Japanese, please read the rule page in A1CC ranking site.
If not, send your log data in ADIF format to the A1CLUB. (A huge log file should be zipped)
After receiving your log data, your score is calculated and result will be shown on the ranking in a couple of weeks.
And if your Challenge Category score exceeds 100/1000/2000/3000/..., C/M1/M2/M3...-degree is granted.

For the C/M Members, the Certificate of C/M Membership (image file) will be issued.

 image samples (resized)