- Title of Event: Morse Summit 2020 SHIMA
- Main Host: Morse-Mie JE2YOK
- Sub Host: A1 CLUB
- Date: (Fri) 29, May. - (Sat) 30, May. 2020 (1-day-stay)
- Place: Hotel GEIBOUSOU http://www.geibouso.co.jp/
1550-1 Hamashima, Hamashima-town, Shima-city, Mie-pref. Japan
Tel: 0599-53-0029
- Capacity: 50+
- Cost: 15,000JPY per person (incl. hotel accommodation with dinner and breakfast)
- Supporter: Japanese A1 CLUB member will support non-Japanese guests
- Access: A1 CLUB supporter will offer transportation means by sharing go/return
rent-a-car between JR Nagoya station and the Summit premises.
- Contacts: summit2020(at mark)a1club.org
<To send e-mail, replace (at mark) with @>
- Location & Access info.
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