The 21st A1 CLUB QSO PARTY 2022@ @@[Japanese]
A1 Club is pleased to announce the A1 Club QSO Party, which is open to
all radio amateurs world-wide and which aims to encourage the use of and
excellence in Morse code.
TheEvent: The A1 Club QSO Party.
@@@@@@@@This is an operating event, not a
Date & time:From 2022-4-30 15:00Z to 2022-5-31 15:00Z, for a month.
Object:To try communication by the international Morse Codes on all amateur bands.
Exchange: Normal QSO style.
1 point is given for 1 CW QSO including at least one CW related conversation*.
@@(*Example: Information of CW club membership/membership number, Key's
type, model, brand, etc. When, where, how have you learned CW, etc. etc.)
@@Note: Dupe QSO with the same station can be count if the date is different.
In addition,
2 points is given when you check in the A1 NET or GB or FEA NET.
The A1 NET is held every Saturady around 8PM JST (usually 19:30-20:30JST
or 10:30-11:30Z) on around 3520 or 7025KHz.
Detailed schedule will be posted on A1eML.
The GB (Giving Back On Air Coaching Program) is held every day from 7PM
at local time where GB volunteers get on the air around 7030-7045KHz.
Details are shown here in CWops' wesite.
The FEA NET is held every Sunday from 8AM JST on around 7026KHz and from
5PM JST on around 14054KHz.
Details are shown at FISTS East Asia website here.
DX (between different entities) QSO will be counted as gDOUBLEh.
So 2 points will be given for 1 DX QSO and 4 points will be given for the
check-in A1 NET & GB from overseas.
Frequencies: CW portions of the amateur bands assigned in each country where you operate.
Mode: CW using the internatinal Morse code
Internet Tool: Following internet sites are recommended to find participants.
@Mailing List (A1eML) @@Chatroom (A1-Chat) (ID&PW-599) @@A1CLUB Facebook Group @@
Activity Report:
Send following information to a1-pty(at) @@<replace (at) with
@Mail Tittle: [A1 QSO PARTY ****your calls***]
@Mail Contents:
(1) ur Callsign
@(2) ur CW name
@(3) Claimed Total Points
@(4) Comments
@(5) List of Date/Callsign Worked/Info.Exchanged
@(6) Full name & postal address@
@(1)-(5) are mandatory info. (6) is option to get a badge (see Awards).
@The report must be submitted by June 14th.(Japan Time)
Awards: All participants will have following A1PTY Awards in accordance with points achieved.
1-24 points: PDF Participation Certificate (by email)
25- 49 points: GfJOB! Badge
50-74 points: Bronze Badge
75-99 points: Silver Badge
Above 100 points: Gold Badge
* To send a badge, need full postal address)
RESULTS(sri in Japanese) @@@@@@@@A1