The 20th A1 CLUB QSO PARTY 2021    [Japanese]

A1 Club is pleased to announce the A1 Club QSO Party, which is open to all radio amateurs world-wide and which
aims to encourage the use of and excellence in Morse code.

TheEvent: The A1 Club QSO Party.
        This is an operating event, not a contest.

Date & time:
From 2021-4-30 15:00Z to 2021-5-31 15:00Z, for a month.

Object:To try communication by the international Morse Codes on all amateur bands.

Exchange: Normal QSO style.

1 point is given for 1 CW QSO including at least one CW related conversation*.
  (*Example: Information of Key's type, model, brand, etc. When, where, how have you  
   learned CW, etc. etc.)
  Note: Dupe QSO with the same station can be count if the date is different.

In addition,

2 points
is given when you check in the A1 NET.
The A1 NET is held every Saturady around 8PM JST (11:00-12:00Z) on around 3.520 or 7.025KHz. Detailed schedule will be posted on A1eML.

DX (between different entities) QSO will be counted as “DOUBLE”.
So 2 points will be given for 1 DX QSO and 4 points will be given for the check-in A1 NET from overseas.

Frequencies: CW portions of the amateur bands assigned in each country where you operate.

Mode: CW using the internatinal Morse code

Internet Tool: Following internet sites are recommended to find participants.
 Mailing List (A1eML)   Chatroom (A1-Chat)
(ID&PW-599)   A1CLUB Facebook Group   

Activity Report:
Send following information to a1-pty(at)   <replace (at) with @>

 Mail Tittle: [A1 QSO PARTY ****your calls***]

 Mail Contents:
(1) ur Callsign
 (2) ur CW name
 (3) Claimed Total Points
 (4) Comments
 (5) List of Date/Callsign Worked/Info.Exchanged
 (6) Full name & postal address 
 (1)-(5) are mandatory info. (6) is option to get a badge (see Awards).
 The report must be submitted by June 14th.(Japan Time)

Awards: All participants will have following A1PTY 2021 Awards in accordance with points achieved.
1-24 points: PDF Participation Certificate (by email)
25- 49 points: G’JOB! Badge
50-74 points: Bronze Badge
75-99 points: Silver Badge
Above 100 points: Gold Badge
* To send a badge, need full postal address)

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