The 18th A1 CLUB QSO PARTY 2019 [Japanese]
A1 Club is pleased to announce the A1 Club QSO Party, which is open to
all radio amateurs world-wide and which aims to encourage the use of and
excellence in Morse code.
TheEvent: The A1 Club QSO Party.
This is an operating event, not a
Date & time:From 2019-4-30 15:00Z to 2019-5-31 15:00Z, for a month.
Object:To try communication by the international Morse Codes on all amateur bands.
Exchange: Normal QSO style. --> Ragchew if possible
<a QSO which includes at least an exchange of information other than RST
Frequencies: CW portions of the amateur bands assigned in each country where you operate.
Mode: CW using the internatinal Morse code
Internet Tool: Following internet sites are recommended to find participants.
A1 CLUB Facebook Group
Activity Report: Send following information from the [ENTRY FORM]
(1) Your Callsign, (2) Your name, (3) Comments, (4) Photos (if any)
<The entry form will be available from 1st May to 7th June>
Certificate: No awards will be given
as this is not a contest.
An entry certificate in electrical image format will be provided (see
entry form)
RESULTS(sri in Japanese) A1