From: William G Pierpont <n0hff@>
To: <je1trv@>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 5:23 AM

Dear OM Atsu san, JE1TRV

The delightfully printed little 182 page book "The Art & Skill of Radio-
Telegraphy" which you and your friends there translated -- please thank
them, too -- arrived in today mail in perfect shape.. Thank you for this
great job which I have every reason to believe has been excellently done.
(Although I certainly can't read much of it !.)

Let us hope that it will prove, not only interesting to read, but much
more, a practical and enthusiastic help in learning and gaining skill..
For the English form of Morse code, Jim Farrior's "The MILl" ;learning
and skill-building program is excellent. It is available on Internet WEB
at site

So, double thank you's, and 73.


So thank you so much for sending me a copy. It stands in an honored
place my library, reminding me of our Japanese friends in ham radio, in
the Land of the Rising Sun,.playing the dit-dah-dit game of linear

Best wishes to you and those who aided you, with thanks, ..


Bill N0HFF